
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 17: A letter to someone you miss.

Dear Grandma,

Words cannot express how I truly feel about loosing you. I often think of your last days and go over every single detail and wonder what we could have done differently, so I wouldn't have to be writing this letter to you. No matter what, I wasn't ready to let you go. But, you taught by example never to live life in regret. So now I see everyday I spent with you as a blessings.

I'll like to thank you for all that you have done for me: the big things, the little things, by just living your life in step with the Lord and therefore setting a perfect example. I often think if I could live half the life that you have lived, then I know I would be alright. I think the most important lessons you have taught me are forgiveness, kindness and the importance of family.

I'm not gonna make this long, cause I know you have to go teach the ladies how to sew and bake; and I can imagine you have joined all the clubs and societies up there and you have been keeping busy as a bee, till we all come up. So I'll tell you what, we will catch up when I see you, can't wait to give you my usual big kiss on the jaw, and tell you just how much I love and appreciate you for always being there for everybody.

Love you Lots, and Lots more

Day 16: A photo that makes you want to cry.

A photo that makes you want to cry.

This is a rather sad one I think......

I lost my grandmother in 2009, when she died it came as a shock to our entire family as we didn't expect it (I know death is unexpected) but I guess you know what I mean.

When I think about her death I feel so overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, everything and all this mixed in makes me want to cry.......

She was known for her sense of style.

I took this picture, never forget it

Gone but never forgotten.................miss you too much Grandma!!!

Continue Enjoying the Metamorphosis

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 15: A photo that makes you smile.

A photo that makes you smile..............
Well if you have been following the course of this challenge with me, you may have noticed I have the tendency to change things up a bit. For example I've been turning this 30 day challenge into a 60 day

So instead of posting a photo that makes me smile,I have decided to post 5 of my top photos that always make me smile.................

Me & My Mummy

Mummy pregnant with meeee

Favorite pic of me and Kimmy

The FAM - at least some/one side of them

Ahhhhh..don't you just love it

Continue enjoying the Metamorphosis

Day 14: What you would do if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant.

What you would do if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant..................

I would be pleasantly surprised either way

Day 13: Your least favorite female group.

This was also a weird one for me as well......after like 2 days of thinking about it I somehow remembered them.

Now please, please, please, please don't think I'm a hater. I want to believe I am everything but that, however when I had to watch them week after to week on Raising Stars - they drove me crazy..............


Just in case you don't believe me......

I don't know if this is one you would enjoy but,

Continue Metamorphosis.

Day 12: Your favorite female group.

At first I thought this one was going be to hard......your favorite female group...hmmmmmmmm.

Then after some thought and a few suggestions I got it......TLC - my favorite female group of all time(even though I couldn't remember it at first *lol*).

One of the main contributors to their success I think was that they made songs that anyone (man or woman) could/can relate to, even if its just one line. A mean even my father likes Waterfalls (sing along and turn up radio sort a thing, even now). I just gonna post a few of the great ones.

Nice and smooth, the way I like it - no cheesy lyrics of swimming across oceans & all that stuff.

Always in the back of our minds *wink*wink.
I remember a man once asked me who told me I am to be in love with only one person at a time*wink*wink*wink* - you gotta Creep to get that done

Nice one

Real Old School - Luv it!!!!!!!!

Maddddddddddd -

We all know one right?????? - they come in all shapes and forms, "in the passenger's side trying to holla at me" *lol*

This song need no Intro no Outro nothing.......

Ahhhhhh I think alot of us need to get back to this, sometimes we get so caught up with other people's perceptions of what we should be, we forgot what we what to be, more specifically what God is leading us to be ........................

Hope you enjoyed this, I surely did.....

Continue enjoying the Metamorphosis.

Day 11: A letter to one of your exes.


I'm not upset to say the least about what happened between us. I'm actually relieved for where we are now. If it weren't for this challenge you honestly wouldn't hear from me, and you know it. I wonder sometimes why we wasted all that time to achieve absolutely nothing at the end. I know you think I resent you, after all it was you who pursued me even after I told you I was not interested, you were the one who made those empty promises and played those stupid mind games (roll eye). I must say thanks because now I can spot a wolf in sheep's clothes a mile away. I won't bore you or me with this as I didn't waste anytime breaking up with you (I had just stopped talking to you - stating this simply for the blog) so I won't waste anymore time writing you a letter. I'm not bitter, just have nothing to say really as we both knew this page would be turned eventually. I see you're doing well, great things are happening for you and I will continue wishing you all the best in everything you do.


P.S No need to write back

Day 10: Your best friend.

My best friend,

Gosh ........

Before starting this challenge, I decided to define the word BEST FRIEND .....

According to Wikipedia a best friend is someone (singular) with whom one shares the strongest possible kind of friendship(s).
While according to Best friends are very special people in your life. They are the first people you think about when you make plans. They are the first people you go to when you need someone to talk to. You will phone them up just to talk about nothing, or the most important things in your life. When you're sad they will try their hardest to cheer you up. They give you the best hugs in the world! They are the shoulder to cry on, because you know that they truly care about you

N.B the title of the challenge is singular - Your best friend. So here we go....

I do not have a best friend, instead I have choosen to have great friends, excellent friends!!!!!!!

Admittedly I have had best friends before, great ones, fun ones, thicker than thieves ones, and like the sand in the hour glass we have changed with time (only for the better of course).

I hope you've noticed that I try not to limit myself. Not to confine myself to a label or set boundaries around my thoughts. So I had decided not to limit anyone with the title of best friend. With all honesty you can't always be the best at this best friend thing, and when they fail me, do I remove the title? Why should I share all my good times, my bad times, my silly times and my crazy times (many they are) with only one person? Why should I burden just one person will all this responsibility?

When you use descriptive words such as caring, loyal, and all that good stuff, I am can be your best friend. On the flip side though I can be very insensitive, I laugh at the most serious of issues at times and I give horrible, horrible, horrible relationship advice (just to name a few); and this is true for alot of persons and it certainly doesn't make me/them bad friends.

I am now wondering should I be taking the best out of the best to complete this challenge. I pledged that I would complete these challenges by the hook or the crook.

So I have chosen 4 random friends, who I will denote using the letters A B C D. Then using the urban dictionary's definition of a best friend as stated above. I will put a letter of the friend who I think fits that situation.

Special people in your life A B C D
They are the first people you think about when you make plans. (hmmm this really depends)
Beach A
Movies C D
Rose Hall Great House D

Party A B C

Latin dancing C

Jazz and Blues concert A B C D

They are the first people you go to when you need someone to talk to
(about what though?)
Life plans B

Men A D

Craziness A B C D
Family Drama B C

Work A D

You will phone them up just to talk about not
hing A B D
You will phone them up just to talk the most important things in your life.

When you're sad they will try their hardest to cheer you up.

They give you the best hugs in the world
- I hardly hug

They are the shoulder to cry on

You know that they truly care about you ABCD

This race is far too close, so I'll just carry on with them being what they are - Great people who God has placed in my life to help me while I
help them in getting on with getting on. Surely all friends won't be on the same level at all times; they may be here for a season and gone for a while, and even though there will days and weeks when we won't see eye to eye, worst face to face, I refuse to define them.

Check out
Day 4 & Day 3 for my great friends

Continue enjoying the Metamorphosis.

Day 9: Your definition of love.

The definition of love......hmmmmmmm

Love is a feeling that you feel, that you feel, you never felt before..... lol
Remember those days.

I don't have a definition of love, I honestly don't. I have refused to limit myself to a definition when it comes on to love. Love has many degrees, steps, corners, branches, roots, weeds, up, downs, sideways, unders, avenues and in betweens. So for me to define it I believe I won't give it true justice.
I think often we place too much of an emphasis on defining love, instead of just loving. We often listen to songs and use them to mold our concept of love. I believe these songs cater more to the emotion of love instead of defining what love should be. Certainly my definition of love (if I had one) would be totally different from a Celine Delion's definition for sure. By defining what we call love based on these songs will limit us, and that may cause us to allow love to pass us by. Just my humble opinion still

I guess in order to complete this exercise I gonna have to define love, so I'm gonna do what I always do when I don't know something - "I'M GONNA GOOGLE IT" (how you know so *wink*). I googled LOVE and used Google Images. This is the best one I found.

Continue to enjoy the Metamorphosis.

Day 8: Something you hate about yourself.

Rather personal topic huh?

2009 was actually a good year for me in terms of learning more about myself. It was the year I realized that I was being my own worst enemy. It sounds so weird to say, but I realized that I was directly sabotaging myself, in life. How was I doing this, one of the avenues I choose was.........Procrastination

According to Wikipedia procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions or tasks with low-priority actions, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time.

I now realized that I have used Procrastination, to poison several ventures of my life. My procrastination has allowed me to repeatably put things off and then make excuses for it.

Now I am determined to beat this evil trait. I don't plan for it to be easy. As I have allowed this poison to become cemented over the years with excuses, laziness and personal sabotaging, even in getting the simplest things done. I would see others sailing on in their lives, and I would procrastinate and blame "he, she and the Old lady" for me not sailing on as well. It even got so bad that I made myself feel comfortable with where I am.

I hate to dwell on the past, or have I would like to change the topic from Something I hate about I hated about myself.

I decided not to make any resolutions this year, that has never really worked with me......(I often make a list of resolutions, forget them and where I placed the book I wrote them in, and this usually happens around February or so * smile ) Therefore I have decided to "Just do it".
Nike - Just Do it

I imagine when they came up with this slogan, it was late one night and everybody wanted to go home - tired, frustrated, brain totally fried with the dead line within hours. Then someone said the magic words - "Just do it" already. Light bulbs on! Thats it - "Just Do It". Those are my thoughts anyway.......

This slogan is perfect, and I am using it to launch my own sail boat. Instead of thinking of it, putting it off, making excuses, complaining, then thinking of the way I can't do it......
I simply "Just do it" , Just do it

Just exercise
Just apply for school
Just keep at this blog everyday for 30 days
Just launch that boat


I did a bit of research on the slogan actually. I read that in the 1970s Nike was swamped by Reebok. Then they launched the "Just Do it " campaign. They targeted every person, regardless of age, gender or physical level, and that allowed them to take the market over. Nike was able to increase its share of the domestic sport -shoe market from 18% to 43% in just 10 years.
Nike didn't make excuses, they didn't complain, they just got in there and did it.

Like Nike I wanna see my challenges, as something that just has to get done.

Continue to enjoy the Metamorphosis.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 7: Your crush.

Interesting one, don't you think?

Well, I must not be getting out much lately, cause I have not one real life crush; seriously!!! When I think about it, its actually been awhile since I've meet or seen a guy who tickles my fancy. I really need to step up my game. I always try to at least have a "work crush", that person who usually makes going to work make sense sometimes, NOT EVEN that a "gwan ya now." smh

So I'm going to go ahead and give you my celebrity crushes.

First on the count down:-

Jason Carr aka Zj Ice

Crush - the voice
Yea, it sounds weird, (especially if you have heard his voice), but his voice has something about it, I tell you man. The voice, that voice LUV LUV LUV IT!!
I think it was like 3 or so years of listening to his VOICE, before I had a clue what the man behind the voice looked like. Now please don't get all heated and thinking its some Barry White thing going on here, its actually far from that. BUT ITS A VOICE that I actually have run home from work to listen to. I just placed a picture of him because I couldn't find a sample of his voice. He is actually not bad looking but a tell you THAT VOICE.......


Oje Ken Ollivierre aka Protege

When I first saw this guy I remember thinking,.....hmmmmm.....interesting. From his looks, his fashion sense, his interviews, to his name I think are interesting. I find him somewhat mystical and intriguing. His music I find to be clever and witty, I heard somewhere that he writes his own music; ladies come one who doesn't love a clever man? I get the vibe that he is one of those men who women love to love. His interesting nature formed our crush, or crush I should say.

Ahhhhhhhhh......crush at first sight

John Legend

Where do I begin with this one? I crush on him not only for his looks but also on the vast amount of charity work that he does all over the world. He presents himself as such a humble individual, even though his looks and voice are off the wall (or is it chain? whichever) I tell you. His look is clean, cut, and what I imagine "out and fresh" looking like. This is my guy for sure.

And no list of mine is completely without............

Clifford Joseph Harris - TI

I remembering seeing TI on the television once, and showed my mother, "that is exactly how I want my husband to look." (I guess thats why I'm not married !!!) Clean, cut, with just the right amount of that little thing. You know it, that thing that he has, yea (shake head).

Well thats it for my abbreviated list. I left of the the Vin Diesels and the Ushers, because as a woman you are sorted expected to have crushes on these people, so I went for a more real-life celebrity list if you will.

Continue Enjoying the Metamorphosis

Music Day

So, today I spent 95% of my day in front of the computer and having what I'll call "Music Day.

I got in the mood to listen to some of my favoriute songs today via YouTube.

Have you ever been in a store and one of your songs comes on, and you're like "man thats my song" & you feel like you can't leave the store till the song ends? Yea you do, and though you 've been pegged by the attendants, you love that song sooooo, you grin & bear just to hear it to the end.

I think the beauty of music/songs, (especially in the case of a non-singer as myself) is that someone else has expressed that emotion, that feeling I have, and so instead of searching for those impossible words & putting together that puzzle of thought. I simply press play and the magic happens.

I decided to share a piece of magic I enjoyed today, don't judge me on the selecting (a mean I ain't no Kurt Riley, yet) - hope you enjoy

The first time I heard this song I absolutely loved it.............

When I hear this song, I remember my year as a Production Assistant at Pulse, this was actually the background song for Model Search Ads for that year, and honestly in the subsequent years the songs they chose never seemed to compare. Great one !!!

Interest was peaked and my love affair with Cold Play begun :-)

I ain't so selector so..........................

This one makes me feel like "I'm a Mean Dean Dancing Machine".....80s music never dies

I honestly don't think this guy gets enough Musical Ratings...........

Don't Judge meeeeeeeeeeee

Ok enough long talking, I'm gonna let the music speak for itself................

Ahhhhh....Good Times a tell you Good Time!!!!!!!!!

So I hope you enjoyed my selection. I knows its a but random, but hey I'm random.

Continue to enjoy the Metamorphosis
